ARF TUTORS - an online tutoring service

Maximising success & confidence building for students of all ages

Tutoring in Science, Senior Chemistry and Special Needs support

Tel: +44 (0)7985664012

Please scroll down for further information

Science Learning at Secondary Level

Organisation and Thinking Skills

Revision and Exam preparation

TESOL English Language Learning

Support for SEND & SEMH students

Unlock your true potential with ARF TUTORS.

Get personalised tutoring online.

We provide: ->Science tutoring for GCSE and Scottish Nationals 5, >Chemistry tutoring for A level/IB/Scottish Highers, >Learning support for students with SEND/SEMH needs, >TESOL English language learning for all ages, plus.... >Confidence building, catch-up, and exam preparation.

Who are ARF tutors ?

How can ARF Tutors help you?

ARF Tutors offer a range of 'face-to-face (F2F) tutoring options - see below for details.

ARF Tutors - informed regarding educational issues in Scotland & worldwide

ARF Tutors comment: The requirement to score just under 50% to secure what many consider to be a passing grade is a substantial proportion of marks by comparison to other examination boards globally and the thresholds they set. Chemistry at 43.3% has the lowest percentage score required for a C grade.

ARF Tutors - informed regarding educational issues in Scotland & worldwide

ARF Tutors comment: The numbers needed to be considered in the light of the change in examination student numbers but a clear trend can be seen away from the traditional Science core subjects but the rise in technology/IT

Fill in our contact form to choose your package

When you contact us - by email or contact form, we will email you :

~ to confirm your chosen package with it's specific dates and times.

~ to confirm you are aware of our booking policy and safeguarding policy.

~ to arrange for the advance payment for your chosen package.